quinta-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2012

Dicas de Estilo

Sim, gostamos de ver dicas de estilo de artistas, stylists, estilistas, modelos e afins...mas.. dicas de estilo de alguém da chamada terceira idade? Pois é, é o que faz e mostra o blog Advanced Style, clicando, pelas ruas de Nova York, mocinhas da terceira idade que dão show de estilo em muita menininha Planet Guéu (como diz Camila Coutinho) por aí.

Confesso que minha preferida se chama Joyce, e amo essa foto dela. Agarrada na bolsinha Chanel, tá meu bem? Agora, vamos às dicas de estilo dela (qualquer dúvida do inglês, Google Translator, darlingsssss)

1.”Gloves they make an outfit, if it’s the right glove it can do everything for you.”
2.”Getting a good black dress that you can fix up with different wonderful colored scarves.”
3.”Marvelous Jewelry, it doesn’t have to be real or expensive, a strand of pearls can make an outfit.”
4.”A wonderful large fiocco, a beautiful bow or boa.”
5.” The right neckline, if you have a beautiful Décolletage then by all mean shows it.”
6. “I look for the brightest colors in shoes, don’t be afraid to wear them with a dark dress. A bright scarf and shoes and gloves of the same color will stand out against the black background of a dress or suit.”
7. ”The older you get the more elegance you want, you can use great color, but in an elegant way.”
8.”Don’t be afraid to be unique to be different.”
9.”Fishnet stockings, Incredible.”
10. “The real secret is being in love with life and realizing what you have.”

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